Tuesday 20 April 2010

A minor shock today: Miles did really badly on his Further Maths mock exam.He got 89% for his first A Level(Mathematics). However, the lad gets no less than 85% doing the questions individually from memory but with no time limit. So we have worked out a strategy to get his exam performance up. Today I earned my money as a house-husband!

It is interesting that with little to no understanding of the mathematics I can help him get a better exam performance . I have done this many times before when he has got stuck. The problem is most often not being able to see the trees because of the wood and reminding the lad that he knows most of the maths it is just that because he cannot solve this particular problem it doesn't mean that the large amount of problems he can solve cannot help him solve this one just because he has forgot or feels that that past success will not help him. Another day in the life of a house-husband who thought that he no longer needed to assist his eldest child in a home-education way. Miles was home-educated for most of his school age and even now is doing his A Levels Maths and Further Maths entirely on his own.
Yesterday evening I had a nice 6 mile walk around York. The sun was setting deep red and the evening light was lovely. It was difficult to see the birdlife on York Uni. lake but it was nice anyway. I thought about the family a lot , as I always do, particularly the children, but I also reflected on the great changes in my life since I settled down and got married (in York) nearly 22 years ago and how I lived before then. At the moment I am reflecting a lot on the past particularly my life in York before I was married. A nice evening.