Monday 26 September 2011

Yesterday with the family I went to visit Fiona's Mum Veronica at Dalton in the South Lakes . We stopped off at Ulverston to walk up to Hoads Monument and stroll around the town. The views from the top are amazing and you can see the Howgills , Ingleborough Hill and way up to the Skiddaw range but binoculars are needed for that , or a very clear day! Veronica was in good fettle and was very happy to see us and the lads were great with her as usual. We spoke about Victor her husband who died in 1989 and it was lovely to listen to her reminisce as much as she could due to the memory problems she has because of vascular dementia. Beautiful moments . Its strange how she looks very frail and incredibly resilient at the same time and the very human ability to keep going with life no matter what has always impressed me right from when I spent a lot of time on hospital getting my gammy hand fixed from when I was six . I was surprised at how many questions she asked the boys about what they were doing and how well they think they are progressing . Good stuff and very moving . She has been one of my inspirations to keep my act together as a Dad and a husband and keep improving as well. A beautiful afternoon.