Wednesday 29 December 2010

Just got back from amazing time out on my own bird watching at Harlepool Docks and Saltholme RSPB site in Teeside . Saw the Red Breasted Mergansers again at Hartlepool but with the binoculars this time . Amazing . There was a Great Crested Grebe with them as well minus the great crest because its winter . I also saw Dunlin just one at first but they are so well camouflaged that I didn't see the other 3 for a while. Without binoculars even close up they are very difficult to see .

Oh boy , Salthome . What can I say . First thing seen was loads of Goldfinches feeding in the bird feeder area , always nice, then I padded around a bit and there was nothing but a huge heron in the first hide because the lake was still frozen . Walked to the other side of the site and saw two Water Rails which are really common apparently but very elusive and the only reason that we were looking at them was the lake and reeds were frozen so it was forced to the edges of the lake where there was a bit of open water conveniently situated by the hide ! So, I was having a good look at these birds and I looked around and said " Er, whats that big brown thing flying over there?!" There was a stampede behind me as about 12 people descended on my viewing window to see a Bittern . A very rare sight. I saw another one flying about 10 minutes later and I thought that would be that but I saw one crouched in the reeds about a mile away and it was almost impossible to see because it was so well camouflaged! Just before this I had spent 20 minutes looking at a Long Eared Owl and having a good chat about it with one of the Wardens who seems to have taken quite a shine to me . Most just have a look at the owl and go but I was quite captivated by it and he said sometimes they get 6 of them in this large 500m square thicket . Saw a lot of other wildfowl but I've yet to look them up . Mega exciting morning /afternoon out .