Sunday 23 December 2012

After a fairly sleepless and sweaty night as the cold worked its way out I woke up this morning distinctly not feeling like going with my family to RKade skate park in Redcar. Then again I thought , "I have taken Miles down to the skate park when I felt a lot worse so to hell with it: get up!". Glad I did because the Redcar beach was amazing, with an offshore breeze blowing into very big waves piling in onshore which caused the crests of the waves to be blown back on themselves in huge arcs in the air but moving sideways across the wave. Total magic. Anyway, not magic enough for me to go and walk the beach with Fiona and Clifford I preferred to  have a good read as I usually do.

At least once a year we have a meal out at the RKade skate park which is always bacon butty's and Pot Noodle's all-round. The proprietors, John and Nicky, don't often see Fiona so they had a nice chat together which was great and they also don't often see Clifford because he doesn't skateboard anymore. Miles in spite of his splat last Friday just got down to business as usual and romped around having a really good time. Good doggy! A very pleasant lunchtime.

It was the usual Sunday afternoon when we got back and pasta and tuna for tea whilst watching "Allo Allo" the comedy about the Germans in France during the Second World War. We followed this with the final episode of "The Nazi's: A Warning from History" which was excellent and  every child should watch the whole series in order to see what happens when religion and democracy fall apart and allow a bunch of fascist thugs to run a country. In other words neither religion or democracy can stop these things it needs something else which in my view is a world security pact where the whole world gangs up on the Hitler's that may turn up in the future and if we do not get a world security pact they certainly will! Anyway, no Hitlers are turning up this Christmas ,just Santa, so stuff them and I am looking forward to the remainder of the holiday because we have loads to do. Fiona is fitter so some good walking is on the menu: Yum Yum!