Saturday 13 April 2013

A great end to a week of a residential training course, making a really useful discovery with my singing voice and getting the focus right with my music which is away from harmonica and more towards singing. Man, I am getting so bored with the harmonica in terms of being "serious" about it. I feel much more serious about my singing.

Anyway, outside of my usual imaginative and not so serious ruminations I had a great day today starting with taking Miles down to RKade Skate park first thing this morning only to find that he had got it wrong and not checked that it was a session he could attend: it was the under 12's session but due to the kindness of Nicky one of the managers of the park Miles and a few other really dozy youngies were allowed in.

After this it was straight back home and immediately out to have a nice 4 mile walk around the Durham Woods with the good wife Fiona and my fine second son Clifford. The temperature was up above 10 centigrade today so there were magnificently big cumulus clouds moving into the cumulus congestus range starting to rise high but not getting too high because it was not warm enough. Biscuit break in the cloisters was high and happy as it usually is not least because I felt exceptionally excited as I often do these days. I suspect I will only calm down when I am dead. Maybe I will still be as excited in the next life I do not know but for the sake of all those around me I hope I have calmed down.

Driving back I was thinking about the deep fun  I am having reading Euclid's Elements the basis of mathematical geometry which is fairly straightforward but thoughtful and strangely relevant to my life at the moment. I don't know why I bother. I'm not doing my mathematics degree anymore and I can't become a mathematics teacher due to not being able to use the computer because of RSI but it is just very intellectually interesting with no real application to the real world for me. But what the hell: it's all jazz.

When we got back Fiona and I had a crash and a cuddle and I ran the music through a 60 W keyboard amp I have and it sounded absolutely great: very clear and there were parts of the music I had not heard before. I now see why people can get quite excited about the right speakers for listening to music. I'm not sure I am using the right speakers but it sounds good.

At the moment I have just made the home-made pork burgers with plenty of garlic and onion, the sauce is a bubbling, the pasta water is on long-range boil which it will come to in about 25 min and I have a strong feeling of expectancy in my life which is possibly due to the reorganisation which is going on in the company I work for which doesn't really apply to me because I have already passed the interview stage but not only that I feel I may go somewhere with music now I am working on the one weakness I have   had with my voice which is consistency. I can hit the highs and lows but a singer needs  consistency   to front a band every night.

.A very good day at the end of an excellent week particularly on the residential course where I never learnt anything I didn't already know but what I did discover is that the fine people around me were doing their job in a very committed and good way with Learning Disabled people, so outside of the great advancements in civilisation we have through science and technology just basically caring for people who have a problem, which could be you or me one day, is also advancing. Amen to that!