Friday 16 July 2010

The lads had a good night in the skatepark last night . Both of them were ripping as usual and really going for it . One of the young scooter kids broke his ankle in a very safe part of the skatepark which I found very unusual. Ever since RKade has allowed scooters in there have been a well above usual rate of accidents with the younger participants on scooters. The reason for this is probably there age but I can't help noticing that when they are dropped off by their parents they are never given a warning to protect themselves particularly the ankles. The older guys and the occasional women on blades always go for it but take care as they do it . Even then things can go wrong. Clifford got two nasty bruises last night and his accident rate is higher than Miles because he gets his tail up , gets excited , then the caution drops and over you go. Nothing serious because both of my lads are in full pads. Isn't part of the fun of extreme sports the buzz of pulling off your manoeuvre but also enjoying the safety side as well ? I know that when I was on blades and when I was the skateboard it was fun but so was staying on my feet . The scooter children are certainly learning the hard way. It's serious from the point of view that scootering is a great activity for a kid to do , good exercise , and it will be a shame if this activity gets dropped all because parents don't have a dialogue with there kids about safety. Extreme sports are safe providing the participants enjoy pulling off the trick and living to tell the tale !