Thursday 13 May 2010

A half decent day today. I got some maths done in the morning and I did a fair bit of countertenor singing. I am actually cracking this way of singing. The main problem is it is the opposite problem to what is usually confronted with in singing, that is, it is harder to get power in the lower notes than it is to get the higher notes. So I spend a lot of time singing in the lower register to beef it out. It is slowly coming although I still sound like a choirboy rather than the rougher blues that I am after. Still, it is a lot better than singing in baritone which I do not like the sound of and I find it hard to get consistency in my voice. Miles has done well with his mathematics today and best of all my younger son Clifford is getting on really well with his maths. 2 smart lads who work very hard.

Since I have switched over to voice recognition I have had no RSI whatsoever. It is nice to feel normal and healthy for once. I dread to think how the RSI might affect me if I was not as fit as I am.