Saturday 18 September 2010

With the family this afternoon I have had a gorgeous 4 mile walk around Durham. On the first part of the walk just outside Durham because there was no wind the river was completely flat and brown due to the peat which had been washed down from Weardale. We stopped for biscuit break a bit early because Clifford was still feeling grotty from the bug he had last week but he continued on, good lad, and we went down to the weir and were quite surprised how hard it was to see the birds when we were walking into the West and the sunlight was reflecting off the water into our eyes. It is quite strange that when you do a walk in the opposite direction it looks and feels like a completely different walk! We have decided to do this a bit more often because it makes the familiar strange . Works in a marriage as well to be quite honest! I'm not sure what I'm on about that by the way! Back home and tea with the usual two episodes of Star Trek followed by an evening with Bob Dylan.

"Can you cook and sew make flowers grow, do you understand my pain, are you willing to risk it all or is your love in vain," I love my wife for two reasons the main one is she is a great woman and good at walking hills, a real hiking lady, but the other reason is she got me into Bob Dylan God bless her.