Monday 9 August 2010

We have just got back from a very good North Yorkshire day getting down to Scarborough for 10 o'clock so Miles could get a two and half skate board session in before the rains came between one and four and they did come between one and four so God bless the BBC weather service. Whilst Miles was skateboarding Fo myself and Clifford walked across Scarborough North Bay to go to Burniston Bay where there are dinosaur footprints. I was mostly interested in looking at some arcuate bands which are 270 million-year-old riverbeds that have formed into meanders meandering steadily across the plains at the time and then submerged underneath mud and sand. I had seen a photograph of them in my geology book but guess what I could not find them! We could only walk so far cross Burniston Bay and then we had to get back to Miles so I suspect they are further along. Next time I will take a map grid reference. Bad daddy . We did not go down to the actual shoreline because the tide was coming in and geological enthusiasm and incoming tides are not a good mix when the only way back is up a cliff! There were an awful lot of bees feeding off the flowering thistles along the path and what was also interesting was that the Scalby Beck, being perpendicular to the coast, instead of just going straight through the ridge that we were walking on it had turned at a right angle and went to the sea that way a couple of hundred metres parallel to the coast. What we were walking on was actually a fairly narrow ridge with coastal erosion on one side and river erosion on the other. Nature is totally amazing. We stopped for a coffee in the centre of North Bay and when Fiona went to the table she did a sudden lurch nearly careering over a group of people because she had not seen a ledge cunningly located where absolutely everybody else could see it and it was no problem. What I find quite surprising is that she can negotiate and clamber over, that is scramble, quite steep slopes full of screes and cliffs and not have a problem. I loudly proclaimed this to everybody sat out on the cafe porch which they found quite amusing. She is a good laugh no doubt about it. The best. Watching Miles in the huge concrete bowl and street section which comprises Scarborough skate park he was really ripping along. He said afterwards that it was very tiring his runs being much longer due to the skate park being quite big. It was a beautiful setting at the south end of the North Bay and we will be going there again in the near future. We then went to Whitby and had a good five-mile walk around the town and the outskirts making 10 miles or so today which is nice. We rounded off the day with the usual munchies at Hadley's fish shop. For the rest of the evening we have got the Matrix part 2 to watch and then I have got a mega-reading session set up getting into my Hamlet book and some maths proofs. A good day.