Tuesday 16 April 2013

With Fiona I had a nice ramble around the Durham Woods this afternoon specifically to do birdwatching but we saw few birds. We heard the high looping whistle of many Nuthatches but never saw any of them until we climbed up the bank and I noticed a bird hanging on a tree trunk and then flitting to another one and lo and behold it was a Nuthatch.

That was great because it was only the second time I had  seen one but it got even better because I saw it go into a hole in a knoll in a tree which was its nest. It went in there several times but I could not see whether it was taking nesting material or insects for its young. Totally brilliant and we will be able to observe it for the next few weeks as it raises its chicks.

My lovely wife was absolutely brilliant and delightful company today as she always is. To see the rapturous look on her face when she gets into her birdwatching is totally wonderful. As Bob Dylan said about the woman he was singing about who he admired so much it hurt, "Everything about you is bringing me misery". Man, I am so unhappy!