Tuesday 13 November 2012

So much for oil running out . Many greeny doommongers in York in the 80s claimed it would run out by now and I never believed it . Why not . It is effectively unlimited because we will use less of it per head as we want cheaper and more efficient machines and it will be hundreds of years before we  know how much of it is in the earth so you can't put a limit on that amount . Am I pro oil and all of that ? Nope , electric cars are the way to go (oil cars are smelly and over engineered  : no high flown green arguments there!) but when anyone wants to convince me of a green future being good and even possible its best to base it on the truth and not ideological arguments because once you start making claims on fake ideas the global corporations do the same and in the car case they are currently making a lot of money selling us overengineered and over powered cars : ie they are fake selling performance few of us need. 