Saturday 22 June 2013

I have had a cracking day. I sketched out some more melodies and words for songs this morning as well as putting the few I have done onto Youtube because more people will hear me  with my songwriting and harmonica playing. What I am doing is pursuing my job rather vigourously working with Learning Disabled people but also writing songs as well as getting my harmonica up to scratch with a view to going out touring and just letting the Good Lord decide which way it pans out.

Other than a morning of complete self-indulgence I had a great walk with the whole family around the Durham Flower Meadows on the North West side of Durham City. A beautiful surprise awaited us on the top of the first hill which was several Northern Marsh Orchids and Early Marsh Orchids the same ones we saw up in Teesdale last week. We were amazed to see them about half a kilometre from the centre of Durham. The soil must be very calcareous there and I know that Durham is situated on the Pennine Coal Measures rocks consisting of sandstone, limestone and of course coal but it did not occur to me that lime loving plants would be there. Of course they will be!

The family was in good fettle and both lads have finished their exams. However, Miles, who is applying to do his Post Graduate MSc in Mathematics at Durham University amongst many others, received his "questions which have to be solved in a week" yesterday from the Maths Department. So, he was busy yesterday that was until he cracked the first one in 90 min and he is busy with the second one. There are only four and I cannot quite see what the purpose of it is given that they are fairly straightforward for the lad. But there may be a catch which is why he will be spending several hours no doubt making sure there isn't. But according to His Highness today, there is no catch and it is solved. Good lad. I think!?

The Blues Brothers first film  vee vill be vatching, the meatballs are knocked up and cooking as well as the tomato sauce and I am feeling very constructive at the moment as in constructing things both at work as well as with my current hobby of writing songs. Fiona is getting fitter which is nice and the lads seem to be on their way to the next stage of their life which involves Universities. I am astonished at the peace of mind that has come upon me over the last few weeks. This is usually a prelude to something very busy happening and it is quite exciting thinking what will it be? Getting more involved with Learning Disabled work or warbling and tootling in the music industry. Who knows! Who cares :  life is very exciting anyway. Woof woof!