Saturday 16 June 2012

 A cracking day. Got up early as I always do and did a load of reading of my new book about Clouds as well as reading my American history book for the period 1945 to 1974. Had a good think about what I was doing musically, a lot on my own but not much with people and decided to keep going at it. A fruitful morning of reading, thinking and I had a great discussion with Fiona about what we are doing in life. We are doing quite a lot but we want to do a lot more. Excellent !

Miles was laid up with a cold so Clifford, Fiona and myself had a walk around Durham in the pouring rain which was really good particularly along the riverbank of the River Wear where the smells from the well soaked banks were absolutely tantalising and invited further study. Except it was pouring down with rain and if I got my loupe or binoculars out they would have got soaked. So, we just soldiered on. Biscuit break was in Durham Cathedral sat next to 2 fine West African ladies who kept smiling at us maybe that was because I was smiling at them!

It was quite amazing in Durham City because the Olympic Torch is coming through tonight so the authorities have closed off some of the roads and it was unbelievably and delightfully quiet. I sometimes wish it was like that all the time. On the ride back home we had much talking about the clouds and I did a neat little explanation about how lenticular clouds formed. I really wish I could teach this earth science stuff sometimes because I do enjoy it.

 Had a nice crash out with Fiona listening to Old Ideas by Leonard Cohen, again, I leave it by our bed because I love it so much and listen to it a lot. Turned into a fine old man raver did that guy no doubt about that he just keeps the songs coming. The meatballs are cooking, the tomato sauce is ready and the fresh pasta is just about to go into the boiling hot water. Two episodes of Star Trek are coming up and joy of joys my 11.5 hours of blues documentary came today so Fiona and I are going to listen to the first instalment this evening and my Blues education can begin. A good day.