Tuesday 28 December 2010

This afternoon Fo and I went to Hartlepool on the Coast so she could assess the local museum for a school visit soon to happen . I went off for a nice three mile walk over the hour and saw , joy of joys , several male and female Red Breasted Mergansers which are similar to Goosanders because they both have saw bills , bills with serrated teeth in them to keep a grip on the fish. I also saw 2 Oyster Catchers and a Curlew which was nice because we often see them inland on the moors during the summer . After Fo's visit I took her to see the Mergansers but only two were still there so we walked to another part of the dock and 100m away saw a a group of about 10 of them and then they all simultaneously dived to fish. Mega good stuff only ruined by the fact that I had forgot my binoculars . Bad, bad doggy!