Thursday 7 February 2013

Just got back from a great walk in the Durham Woods and we have worked out the territory of a couple of Jays and now see them often. Understanding : wow : powerful!  Want to see a Nuthatch more often next . Lovely clouds on the way up:  cirrus uncinus , upside down hook like clouds full of falling ice cystals . Strictly speaking they were cirrus uncinus duplicatus because the same cloud was lower down but some were perpendicular to the first and others at different angles. Indicates the  wind directions at different heights . Good stuff knowledge : best buzz of all !

We've thought about getting a hide to,  errr,  hide out in the woods and you can get them quite cheap and they are light so can be backpacked . What I thought it would be fun to do is walk around the Durham Woods still in our hide , our little legs sticking out .  Umm hiding out in the woods with Fiona. " Paul , go and stick your head in that bucket of water" . "Woof woof!".