Monday 27 August 2012

From my Facebook page me  responding to an article from vegans cticising Green Party members for eating meating.

"Back in the 80's I upset several people by saying very  much the same thing but not by knowing the amount that animal agribusiness contributed to global warming . But while some vegans are finger pointing , which goes to show that writing and putting such ideas about just attempts to hide from the fact that every vegan contributes there own actions to killing animals by using public and private transport that kills hundreds of thousands of animals every year and publicly saying nothing about cat ownership that  contributes a nice 55 million bird killed a year. They say nothing about the cat bit , do no campaigning about and certainly say nothing about the transport stuff because some of them are playing the divisve political game like so many others and they need transport to live . 

 Am I against the ownership and enjoyment of cats and dogs ? Nope , I enjoyed stroking your cat yesterday Joe , particularly the biting bit , that moggie has character! But I know they go after the birds which doesn't cause me to have a problem with the cat or the owner  . I take responsibilty for my likes and actions and respect and appreciate what others do. There are some magnificently well looked after sheep in Swaledale and the onwers of them are great people as well . Appreciation.

I don't see the local bird population being seriously damaged by the presence of the furball death machines called cats. What can be a problem is anyone denying the fact that cats kill birds. I ran into some problems with folk in York by saying that if you own a cat , don't criticise me for trying to trap rabbits and hunting then with dogs when I was young , eating meat or accepting legal hunting . And there is also the foxhunting problem: its hard to criticise foxhunting when dog and cat ownership is held as a right in this country: both kill animals. This is the way I see the world Joe . No doubt many vegans want to protect the Amazon and its tribes but those tribes kill animals in very cruel ways in order to live and I never hear them complaining about that . Arggghhhhhhhh. Its heavy!

I would take vegans seriously in their political goals if they were lived up to them but they don't . They are as involved in killing animals just like the rest of us because they live in  our great modern society warts, dead animals  and all.

Just out of interest there is something else . In York yesterday a  pigeon misjudged its flying and ended up in the Ouse right in front of a load of people watching some boat race . Didn't see one vegan or anyone else diving in to save it  fluttering in the water on the way to drowning painfully . This it blows a big hole in vegan ideas : animals and humans are not of the same value, animals are less than us . How do I know this ? Because if that pigeon was valued as much as a baby falling in the River Ouse several people would have dived in to save it  . They didn't! I  have never known one vegan ever who would have saved that pigeon so they don't really believe that animals and humans are equivalent ! "

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