Monday 27 August 2012

Last Saturday I had a really nice play with the Corner Boys Blues combo at Scarfe Hall Staindrop where the Beer Festival was being held. They played wonderfully , punchy , raunchy and very authentic . What were minor mishaps were instantly turned into exciting musical and non musical happenings. The audience didn't notice a thing but then again maybe it was what was supposed to happen! Who know : as the Blues Brothers said : " The Lord moves in  mysterious ways "!  Cool and its what improvised Blues is all about. Loved it .

One of my mis happenings was walking off stage before the last song because I didn't think I was playing on it. At the rehearsal the final song was a great showcase for John the guitar player which I wasn't playing on , so I thought  "This is the last song you're off now " So off I trundled offstage. WRONG! I was playing on the last song and Fiona told me later that Steve the singer said solemnly to the audience " We appear to have lost our  harmonica player " and the band and many in the audience were looking around wondering where I was when I was backstage having a good chat with some folk completely oblivious to the effects of my disappearance. It was only when I popped my head back on stage to see how the lads were doing that I realised that I was playing on the last number . Priceless and what a hoot ! Even though I've been a totally organised house husband for years I love the organised chaos which happens at these country  village gigs.

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