Saturday 16 February 2013

Wow, behind on my personal blog. Friday the eighth over a week ago Fiona and I had a great trip down to York to see Sarah Horn and James Cudworth play at the Basement in York. There were three other bands on as well and  the Buffalo Skinners were  excellent.

We had our usual romantic time in the Cross Keys and I was struck by the thought that it was almost 30 years ago that I first went there and if somebody had said to me then that 30 years on I would have spent 24 of those years raising children and being a husband to a beautiful and smart wife I would have just said "No chance!". I like  being wrong particularly about my own limited views.

For a Friday night in York it was fairly quiet but I was stunned by how many people were around compared to 20 years ago. Things change and York has become a bit more like Newcastle in its nightlife. No bad thing. I had a quick 20 min walk around to stretch my legs and the River Ouse was milky and almost still in the frosty night with a faint mist which could not be seen in York but I knew it was there because we could see it forming as we travelled down in the twilight through the Vale of York.

It was great seeing my friend Joanne Horn and husband Geoff who love going to folk events as well as seeing their great musician daughter Sarah play. A very nice evening.

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