Saturday 16 February 2013

Another blog catch up. Last Saturday 9th of  February, the whole family went for a walk around the Durham Woods. Joviality was the spirit under the light puffy cloudy cumuli and open blue skies of the beautiful North East of England. We stopped for Fiona to take a photo next to the River Wear on the hairpin bend section where Durham Cathedral stands nicely fortified. I gathered the lads in for the photo. Fiona took it amongst some laughter and giggling over I don't know what, but as we were about to move off and I still had my arms around the lads Clifford stated rather solemnly, "Dad, I don't feel comfortable with your hand on my ass". Well, we all fell over laughing because I did not know I had my hand on his ass! The trouble was I had my skateboard wrist protector on my right wrist reinforced with a thin bar of Teesside steel and a glove on  so I could not feel a thing!

The rest of the walk was just as joyous and deteriorated accordingly. I put this down to having Miles with us. He comes out on the Saturday walks  only once a month now. He prefers to work Saturday and Sunday afternoons  to get more into his mathematics and to train himself up for weekend work when he goes either into Secondary School teaching or teaching at a University. Right from  our children being born we have trained them to achieve what they want to do, as well as meet the needs of society. Ooooo goodness that sounds very responsible and mature for this ageing doggy but that's what I did and continue to do so. Even with   17 and 21-year-old sons I am still surprised at the  bits of guidance I give them based on the training ideas I got from the the Psychology Degree I did at York University in the 1980s and the Baha'i Faith . First and foremost of course I train myself!

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