Tuesday 18 October 2011

Life is interesting. I was really wondering what to do now my househusbanding bit has come to an end and thought because of my physical disability I would have a job getting into teacher training to be a mathematics teacher but this is not the case. Also, for at least the last year because the Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses have changed the entry requirements I have actually got enough mathematics modules from open University to apply, get my mathematics enhanced, sounds interesting, and then go on to a Teacher Training course. I haven't actually been ready to do this until now because of my househusband duties but now I can am putting in my application form for three Teacher Training providers as well as applying to do observation of mathematics lessons in three Darlington secondary schools because the Teacher Training providers want this to happen before they will consider anybody for interview. One of them specifically told me that I have to find out for myself whether I will be able to do the job in terms of the computer usage and if I can there is no barrier whatsoever to applying but it still remains the case that secondary schools may not employ a mathematics teacher no matter how badly they need one if they feel he or she cannot use the computerised planning system because of physical handicap. I really do not think there will be a problem with this because a lot of planning is done on Microsoft Word and not only that the voice recognition program Naturally Speaking is much better at working in Internet programs and programs that are on a network whereas in the past it was very unreliable. It is looking good folks, I always like to address my aspirations in that way and my tail is up and there is a chance I may be able to start this January but it depends on whether I can get CRB clearance in the next few weeks as well as doing my lesson observations. There is a chance that I could apply and say that I will be doing this in the near future and I may go down this route but I will see. It feels strange that I am looking outwards into the community and society in terms of working in them both rather than being preoccupied with a home life and family. Good stuff!

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