Tuesday 18 October 2011

Last Saturday with the family I had a golden gorgeous walk in hazy sunlight through the Durham Woods. The leaves are finally turning and many were floating in the River Wear which had an undecided look about it because there has not been much rain but just enough to keep up a good flow. Again I took the family on a mystery walk which was so mysterious even I did not know where we were going. I handed over the reins of direction to Miles but took them back again quickly when he led us into blind alleys whilst navigating through one of the Durham University campuses. Mystery yes, blind alleys no! The centre of Durham was full of bright and beaming people and there was an atmosphere of good cheer which is always nice. The reorganisation of the marketplace in my view has been very successful enabling lots of people to hang out there if they wish, as well as buskers getting their bit in as well. Fiona had quite a strong cold unfortunately which always affects her sinuses but her legs and lungs were as strong as ever. Again, as with Miles, I often wonder how much of a greater effect on them their colds would be if they did not get out doing strenuous walking and staying fit and healthy. Walking is a good way to go folks!

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