Saturday 4 June 2011

Master blaster day out with the family yesterday striding up to Great Dun Fell, then (of course) Little Dun Fell and onto the magnificent Cross Fell. Because there is a radar station on Great Dun Fell there is a road all the way up which was great because there is a lot of grip walking on the road and we really ripped up the fairly steep gradient . I didn't want to stop so I didn't get to look at the brilliant geology but you walk over nearly 500 million years of geological time and part of the walk is on the Knock Geological Trail . Just as we approaching the radar station Fo and I saw a Golden Plover very close and that was a first . Its plaintiff call was beautiful. Natures music . Going over the peat bogs on the paving stone flagged path to reduce erosion the cotton grass was just fluffing out giving a very dreamy quality to the view. And what a view . On top of Cross Fell you can see at least 60miles all around , The Eastern Lake District to the West , Lowlands of Scotland and the Solway Firth to the North West , all of the Howgills and the Phenyghent Ingleborough hills to the South West and all of the Vale of York and North York Moors to the South East . You can even see Teeside which is handy because we went and stood (it was almost a religious act ) at the spring which is the source of the Tees. Nice moment . As we approached the top of Cross Fell we saw a 4 meter high ariel which I though was permanent until we went around the opposite side of the shelter and there was a huge fat bloke red all over with a massive belly overhanging the best pair of hiking legs I've seen for a while and he told us why because he is a radio ham enthusiast and he walks all over the Pennines lugging his gear up every hill ( at least 30 pounds of it ) and contacts people from these locations and records the location as part of his ham club activity . Amazing ! He'd walked up the steepest and of course shortest route up Cross Fell which is nearly 3000 feet high . It takes all sorts! This old lad in his 60s is going to get in touch with me because he's from County Durham! On the way back down tired legs kicked in for Fo and when we arrived at the car we'd been walking for five hours and its about ten miles . Going back through Appleby we went straight past all of the Gypsy Traveler Horse Fair camp , we could see the whole encampment from Cross Fell and that was amazing . The were 100s of horses some of them super high quality . It was a good carnival atmosphere but I can see why some of the Appleby residents have a bit of a problem with it because there are a least 10,000 Travelers. It all looked pretty orderly to me and I know from what Fiona has told me teaching Traveler children most of them are the cleanest living , morally upright and honest people you can come across and many of them are God fearing Christians. Its just the old story of a few giving everyone a bad name and a UK public that believes anything bad and nasty said about anybody and a traveling lifestyle which is diametrically opposite to how most live in the UK. I knew that if we'd stopped and I asked permission of one of the temporary residents to get some food from the vendors on the camp for my lads because they were hungry due to it being an hour past tea time they would have said "Yes" . A great day and we will be going up there again soon!

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