Saturday 4 June 2011

Just got back from a nice couple of hours walk around Durham with my youngest doggie the Comprehending Clifford. He is doing really well with his pre A Level work , well its a long pre because he doesn't start the Further Maths Course until September 2012 but best to get his little head into gear now! Saves a lot of work later . The lad is good company and we had a great look at Swallows feeding on the banks of the River Wear because they were swooping underneath us so we were about 2 metres away. The River Wear was very low and an indication of how long it had been low the water plants had rooted because there has been no flooding for months and down by Framwellgate Bridge some lilies had taken root ! There a was also a gorgeous heron down there as well. Biscuit break today was at Starbucks and a Cappuccino and Skinny bun was just the biscuit so to speak. There was a huge market on today and on the edge of it was the best jazz trio I'd heard for years . Three guys Kurds I think, an accordion , hammered dulcimer or Zither and amazing bass player were laying down more groove than a beaver felling a tree . It was amazing . I could have stood there all day listening . Even Clifford was impressed! Coming back to our house we saw Fo doing the Garden Goddess bit kneeling down in front of a plant " See Clifford she's worshiping the things", smirks all around! "Fancy crashing out and listening to Handels Messiah Fiona?!" , "No thanks I'm on a roll here ". Nothing can keep my lovely lady from her garden once she gets going! A lovely time out with my youngest lad. The other two were wasted from yesterday , wimpolas, and didn't fancy walking . " Miles : Shame on you!" Must mention this : every time we come back from Durham we go past a Nursery business called "Clever Clogs" , quick pause while I reach for the retch bucket and I wonder if any parents actually believe that , but we reckon that if the Liberals ever take over Durham County Council , hell will freeze over first , the business will be renamed "Clever Cleggs"! Now there is a contradiction!

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