Saturday 7 August 2010

After the walk yesterday we got cleaned up and Miles felt better so we all went out for our 22nd wedding anniversary meal at Tandoori Nights in Richmond. My mum came along as well which was very nice. The restaurant is a great place although they had just undergone a refurbishment which was only half finished when we turned up! No problem at all and the food and company were great. After 22 years of marriage my wife is still as lovely as ever and we both feel as keen and strong about our family as we did all those years ago. After a good meal we got back home and watched two episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and that was really good. Fo and I listened to Bob Dylan "Bringing it all back home" which was totally amazing. That man is the new Shakespeare no doubt about it. Not only that both him and his band just simply rock! A nice end to a good day and another year ahead of love, work and making progress.

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