Saturday 4 May 2013

No Bahai stall today because it was too windy so I stayed in and got on with singing practice as well as a bit of harmonica blowing. I do not know why I bother but I have a strong feeling I will be needing it in the near future. Sounds mysterious? It does to me as well.

Miles has been working his head off because he has one month to do four assignments, his final ones and then into his finals, so to have a break he came out with Fiona, Clifford and I to have a walk around the River Wear in Durham. The rain and flooding over the last four months have really taken their toll on the banks and several paths  have been closed because the river has eroded them away. I'm not sure what they can do and   I would   close the path's for good and let the river have its wicked way because if they start putting in concrete culverts it will increase the speed of the river and created a lot of damage and silting downstream. Anyway it is a good one to watch over the next few months.

On the walk it felt like high Spring even though spring is only really starting. I saw one Jay looking down on it from 100 feet above as we were on a fairly high peninsular bank where we don't normally walk but it was really good. There was also an excellent view onto the South End of Durham Cathedral although I will have to check that I have got the right point of the compass because it can be a bit confusing looking at that building from various angles. Still, under the blue sky chopped up with puffy cumulus clouds it looked really good and God bless the Christians for putting up such great buildings.

Biscuit break was in the marketplace which was chock-full of people as well as a couple of folk buskers, a fiddle player and a drummer which was really good because they were not using amplification and it was much nicer without it. There is nothing better than natural acoustic sound.

When we got back Fiona and I had our usual crash and a cuddle listening to the ever interesting Leonard Cohen and now I am getting the tea together which is the same as last week and the happy routine of our family life carries on as always effective in delivering joy, intelligence but most importantly of all family unity. God bless my family and friends and I have a cracking evening set up of more warbling and rootling and tootling on my harmonica.but

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