Saturday 9 February 2013

Last night, Fiona and I had a really good time at the Basement in York. There were four bands on and I enjoyed them all but we had particularly gone to listen to Sarah Horn and James Cudworth and they were really good. I loved how raw and fresh it sounded  a real sitting on the edge of your seat feeling which are the is the best musical  experience of all for me. Great stuff!

 A nice surprise were the Buffalo Skinners a country pop band I think, but with excellent vocal harmonies, a stunningly on time and on it drummer some really good instrumental performances as well. If they start to do their own material and are as good as writing songs as they are playing them they will go a long way.

Before the Basement we had a nice romantic time in the Cross Keys pub just enjoying the ambience. York is a lot busier at night than it used to be and when I walked around for 20 min to stretch my legs I was amazed how many  scantily clad young men and women were walking from from club to club. It's different from what I expected but they seemed happy and were enjoying themselves which was nice. A good night out.

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