Tuesday 25 December 2012

Weeeeeeel , two nights ago ! downloaded Shelby Footes "The Civil War Volume I: Fort Sumter to Perryville" which has resulted in me reading the night away because it is so brill , consequently I slept in this morning and we didn't get out for a good walk around Richmond until 11AM. Richmond in the ground hugging cloud and mist was gorgeous and down at Round Howe alongside Billy Banks Woods a huge 30 foot chunk of the river bank had been undercut by the recent floods and had slipped down into the Swale taking half the path and three trees with it . Glad I wasn't walking along there when that happened. Its never boring .

We had a good look at the Yoredale series of rocks within the cliffs in Billy Banks Woods and for the first time I realised that they had a lot of small faults in them which get widened by frost and water erosion. At least I think that's right because its difficult to interpret the rocks quite often . Good fun and we had Latte Coffee and Scone break sat on a bench right next to the River Swale with the high running water sounding very soothing and a bit menacing at the same time . Taking coffee and scones in my rucksack  makes me feel very highbrow and its great just being able to plonk ourselves anywhere we like . Unchain yourself from the Cafe folks : freedom! Don't moan on about tax and  Starbucks  just don't buy from them . That is the quickest way for them to get the message!

Just to get some more grit into Fiona's legs we banged up the path from the river to the Castle walk and she looked a bit wasted at the top but is getting stronger no doubt about it . We are doing a long miler around  Keswick in the Lake District soon and are training her up for that. It will be good to see her sister Becky and the boys to see their cousin India. Well back to the Civil War book and I can't wait to read the other two volumes!

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