Wednesday 14 November 2012

Work Capability Assessment  was brought in by the previous government , New Labour Gaz, it isn't a party political issue. You are fairly new to the lets shaft a cripple culture I've experienced since I was 6 . The problem isn't really to do with us disabled its mostly to do with millions of normal people who are effectively disabled by an over reliance on the market economy by tories and socialists to provide work for all when it can't and they face a very duff and uncertain future. When work is provided for all it will be pretty obvious who can and can't do it and I believe most will be able to.  The problem is to provide  work for all not assessing who can or can't work then taking benifits  away because there is a slim chance more disabled people could get work . Most normals support  Work Capability Assessment in my view because a lot of them have a pretty hard life themselves in attempting to get what they think is their right and due a normal standard of living and then struggling to get it and keep it.

Work for all : thats the way forward. Defending not wanting to work because a disabled person doesn't fit some or all of the work categories is bad for me as a cripple and bad for society. I need a job tailored around my needs not a benefit package tailored around my disabilty!

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