Thursday 25 October 2012

About time the Maths A Level is being looked at. Very easier and very much harder combinations can get a pupil  the same result . I hope they make Mechanics 1, 2,3,4 compulsory . Mechanics 3 and 4 are that tricky that even the independent schools don't do them. The kids wouldn't do so well  and risk losing a University place .  My hard working eldest son did Mechanics 3 and 4 all on his own !  I worked out that of all the Maths students in the UK him and a few other crazies were the best prepared for a Under Graduate Maths Degree. He did all of the Further Maths Modules as well.

It strikes me sometimes we are trying to get the best out of kids and make them all the same so no one feels bad, at the same time . Not possible!

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