Sunday 20 November 2011

Yesterday I got out into the centre of Darlington again to do a Baha'i stall. It is interesting because as people see you there more often they become quite friendly and I got a lots of smiles as well as a bit more interest in the stall. With the guys down the bottom end of the traffic free zone playing panpipes it felt a bit like York! A nice time. In the afternoon I had a short walk around Durham with Fiona and the lads and that was lovely in the slightly hazy autumn sunshine. Fiona wasn't feeling so good so we cut short our walk but coming back over Elvet Bridge there was a really good blues singer and guitarist doing his stuff. Then eyes were caught by what looked like a waterfall plunging over a bridge. Someone had put in an art installation and it was really brilliant. We were cooing away about this and there was a guy stood next to us who I asked what was going on and he told me and he should have known because he was the artist responsible for the installation. I only found that out this morning when I saw him on the breakfast news! I just love chatting to people and asking questions because you never know who you will be talking to and he was very interesting and funny. A lovely afternoon out followed by the usual meatballs tomato sauce and pasta.

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