Saturday 30 July 2011

This afternoon with the family , hooray the lads were with us, I had a lovely 2 hour walk around the Durham Woods and into the City Center . The weather was slow , low and sultry and in the River Wear fronds of lilies and rushes were growing sometimes in the middle of the river which shows the time the river is very low is increasing so much that aquatic plant seeds have time to settle and germinate and are rooted enough for the following flood which is a long time off to not sweep them away . The climatic times are a changing ! Interesting to observe as the years roll by . At the weir next to Framwellgate Bridge was the amazing sight of two Common Terns a long way inland stood on the weir and fending off mallards and seagulls trying to mob them neither of which were a match for these two toughies and those long sharp beaks that are useful for stabbing fish when they do there huge 30 meter plunges into the sea to get fish in any and all weathers. We noticed that one of the Terns was a fledgling . Biscuit break was on the newly refurbished Durham market Square and the Council has done a good job . Saw some Morris dancers today which was nice and even the lads were interested . Back home listening to Buffy St Marie in the car , then crash out with the wonder wife I have and listen to John Wuilliams and Juliam Bream . I a lucky man !

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