Monday 2 May 2011

Yesterday with the family I visited my Mum in Richmond in Swaledale and had a sultry but fresh walk in the wind through the Easby Woods under a very green canopy of leaves that doesn't seem to be bothered at all by the dry weather although the River Swale was complaining because it was just inches deep a long way from its usual magnificence . Mum was in good fettle and we had a good laugh as usual . After this I took Fo and Clifford home and then took Miles to RKade skate park in Redcar where he did a 4 hour skate session which was a memorial session for a skateboarder and skate shop owner called Bingo . It was great and wild with about one third of the lads and one girl! manically ripping around . Miles went hell for leather for 4 hours with just a 15 minute break . A lot of the regions best skaters were there like Froggy who was awesome . His girlfriend looked pregnant so a Little Froggy could be on the way ! It was great to see all the skate chappies , and one girl , having a ripping time and it was a fitting tribute to Bingo. I met him a couple of times years ago and his shop in Stockton called Mischief was a business founded on a huge enthusiasm for skateboarding and encouraging the young and the not so young to get out there and roll . A great evening and many thanks to RKade for supporting it and all of the entrance fee cash went to the British Heart Foundation because Bingo died of a cardiac arrest but he was only 36. Thats to young and the more the British Heart Foundation and all those dedicated researchers understand our hearts the less chance things like this will happen . A great night out and Miles reliably informed that after the 11 miles hike yesterday and the 4 hour skate session his legs had " turned to jelly " Good doggy! Thats what your body is for : using and abusing !

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