Monday 28 March 2011

After getting the right handlebars that don't hurt my gammy arm I had a great 6 mile Kickbike session with Clifford. Sort of insisted that he come out with me . Good dog! Totally embarrassed myself today , in part because of my mathematical whiz eldest lad maths machine Miles . My new handlebars turned up on Friday but I wasn't convinced they were the right ones because the one I wanted had a 45 degree angle from the horizontal to the bit you grip which is perfect for me because my withered arm has very little flexibility in it so ordinary handlebars aren't comfortable . So, Miles convinced himself and me that he could work out whether the grip part of the handle was 45 degrees or not thus " proving " that it was the right handlebars for Daddyo. We get a bit of paper A4 ( its a rectangle : first big mistake : the angles of the diagonal there are 60 and 30 degrees )and stick it under the handlebars all lined up with the longest side ans we both agreed , well I sort of let Miles do the thinking bit , why not , he's good at maths right?, so I agreed with his conclusion . Its not 45 degrees so the firm has sent me the wrong handlebar and just to confuse the issue they do two : one with a 45 degree angle and another with a 30 degree. "Its 30 degrees Dad its not the right one " So I ring up the firm today and tell them they've sent me the wrong product but they say I haven't but they will look into it . I ring up another firm who tell me going on the code on the handlebar it definitely is the right one so I ring back Manchester and go through my apology " Oh my God what an idiot I am " routine , well practiced up after 22 years being married to the lovely Fiona , and then get very irritated and decide to prove to myself it is 45 degrees something I should have done on Saturday without Miles in I'm convinced I'm right mode , jabbering away . Simple really , builders do it all the time of course its called squaring off and I got a square the top of a large muesli container, put it on the breadboard and placed the handlebar parallel with the top and the grip bit angling down over the square . If the bar cuts over the top diagonal and its opposite its 45 degrees alright: it did! " MILES" I dashed into the study room and told him about this and he denied he ever thought that angle was 45 degrees! Teenagers man : never listen to them !

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