Sunday 9 January 2011

I took Miles skateboarding this morning and he was a running wild. So were quite a few of the other men, teenagers and some scooter kids who barely seemed to out of nappies! Good for them ! In the afternoon we went to see my Mum which we hadn't done for the last two weeks because she was very ill with the various flu bugs , bad flu bugs , may the researchers annihilate all of you , so didn't feel like being visited . We walked around Easby Abbey first and as we started saw what we thought was a Buzzard but with the new binoculars we could see enough detail to see it wasn't so we are going down the Goshawk or Rough Legged Buzzard line . Most of the path around Easby hadn't caught any sun so it was thick ice and impossible to walk on so we went around the edges . The Castle Walk in Richmond was completely out of bounds for the same reason . Sort of milky mellow quality to the late afternoon light today . Totally gorgeous !

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