Monday 24 January 2011

I got my orders this morning from Queen Fo to "get a bird box please" and this has come about because last year in the spring a wren, the most common breeding bird, built a nest and had young in the Ivy on a large wall in our garden. I first noticed this because as I looked up from my maths occasionally I saw something brown and small go darting up from the ground into the Ivy a metre up the wall. All well and good except that a big bad crow landed in the garden one day and was hanging around the Ivy obviously listening for something that being a meal made up of young wrens. A few days later the nest had been pulled out of the Ivy and the wrens had been gobbled up . So today, I went off to Saltholme RSPB reserve in Teeside , I don't need much excuse , and got a cute little nesting box for the Green Fingered Goddess of FoFo Land and also spent an hour on the Reserve . Totally brilliant . Walking down to Paddies Hide I saw a Little Egret just quietly stomping around and then it flew off and landed and at the hide I saw a Pintail Duck, another Little Egret and a huge flock ( one of many ) of Golden Plovers and Lapwings . Magic! Pity I'm going to do maths for the rest of the week but one needs fun and profit! All of the Plovers and Lapwings we will be seeing again up on the moors and hills as they steadily move to the uplands to breed.

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