Sunday 26 December 2010

This afternoon Fo, Clifford and I had a gorgeous 4 mile walk around Richmond in Swaledale. In the car on the way over we could see a low 100m or so thick mist in the Vale of Mowbray and deepening down into the Vale of York and the North Yorkshire Moors were prominently sticking out on the opposite side of the valley 20 miles away . That put the route on the walk which was to start at Quakers Lane in Richmond and then walk up to the race course on a very slippy back path which fortunately had plenty to hold onto because it was quite steep.I jogged the first section but it got to steep and slippy. At the racecourse we had a magnificent 60 mile view down the Vale of York and right over to Redcar on the NE coast. We also saw an unidentified flock of birds which I thought were Ouzels but according to the RSPB bird identifier can't be because they aren't here in the winter but we cut down to Gallowfield Road , named for obvious reasons, and saw what I thought was a thrush with a deep reddy brown streak but have just identified as a Redwing. Mega exciting because I've never seen them before and after going back down another very slippy back path with a very convenient handrail (life saver!) and down to St. Mary's Churchyard we saw the same birds again. Very exciting the best bit being anticipating getting home and identifying the little beasties.

Because Fo enjoyed the kebab in York yesterday but not the venue , a bit grotty , but I like that sort of thing , I made sure that we walked past Richmond Old Station where there is a super cafe , reasonably priced and it was large cappuccinos and curd tart all around . She glowed! If you're ever in Richmond visit the Station Cafe and Business area all within the Old Station . You get to see local foods and crafts , they even have a Cinema there ( must take Fo sometime! are we to old for necking : nope because she wrings mine several times a year !) it just goes from the erotic to the garrotic a necessary behavior from any self respecting middle aged female with a marriage partner of 22 years but unfortunately who still thinks he is 22 years old. I've been brought to heel boys but I like it ! "Choke chains' my middle name !" Been listening to to much Bob Dylan recently ! We then went to Richmond Falls, well frozen over, around the Castle Walk which was treacherous and back to Quaker Lane and home . Star Trek finale to the day and a grand winters afternoon out .

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