Sunday 17 October 2010

Today I took Miles skateboarding at RKade in Redcar and he had a wild time . Just before the skateboard session, on the way, we pulled off at the Middlesborough football stadium and he did some more driving and it went very well. He still goes through first and second gear a bit rough but he can pull up at junctions and then safely proceed. So, after the skateboard session we all went out to visit my Mum in Richmond but Miles drove part of the way. Very relaxing. Mum was fine and we had a good laugh and Miles drove part of the way home and took us through Gilling West village and safely negotiated a wobbly cyclist. He takes care and that bodes well. Didn't do much of a walk in Richmond , sometimes even we don't feel like it . I lost my hat rummaging through some sweat shirts in Edinburgh Woolen Mill because I was holding it in my right hand which has little feeling in it and the rummaging must have knocked it out of my hand. I have worn that hat over thousands of Miles of fell, mountain , moorland, wood and town and never waylaid it ! Still, the nice Edinburgh Wooly ladies will keep an eye out for it and hopefully it will be there waiting for me next week. A nice weekend . Fo is better now and will be teaching those kiddies tomorrow.

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