Tuesday 24 August 2010

The lads had a good time in the skatepark ar Redcar tonight. A mum brought two very young children in on their scooters but they were overwhelmed with all the big lads belting about so I suggested to her that she take them to a big half pipe in the far corner where none of the wild bunch were rushing around . It's great she brings such young ones to the park and once they were out of the line of fire they started to scoot and have fun. A dad came in with his three lads , he is a regular and it is obvious every time that he has just finished work ,he's in his overalls and taken his lads to the skate park. Total respect because I think the nation needs more parents that don't so much get involved with their kids but get them to activities that they can get involved in . The dad just sits quite for about 90 minutes quitetly recuperating . A nice night and I had a good read. Our youngest Clifford did well with his GCSEs today specifically getting an A at his maths which means he can go on to do Further maths at the 6th form in a years time without having to do any resits. He can just concentrate on his A Level work this year which will take the sting out of the maths next year. In maths forewarned is forarmed with knowledge .

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