Tuesday 18 May 2010

I had a good play with my guitarist friend Mel last night. We have different musical backgrounds. I learnt music through brass bands, school choirs, school orchestras and a small band I played in in the 70s called Engine and Mel has learnt music mostly through playing with bands although he did some classical training I believe. It is a nice blend and could be promising. The only reason I am getting interested in music again is because I do not think my physical disabilities will allow me to get into mathematics teaching, but we will see. Strangely enough, my ideal world would be to do semiprofessional and amateur musicmaking as well as working in local schools as a maths teacher. I would truly love to do that.

I tried out my countertenor voice on a blues song last night but I was not too impressed with the results. The volume is getting there but the tone is far too bland and flat. I will keep working on it but if the tone quality does not improve it could be the alto line in a choir for me! Standing amongst those fine middle-aged ladies is not an unpleasant thought!

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