Friday 21 May 2010

A good day . Miles is nearly recovered from his cold and got 2 practice exams done. Above an A for both so that's looking good. I got a moderate amount of maths done and have just finished preparing a Persian rice for the family tonight. Every Friday we have this dish, watch two episodes of Star Trek and then it's free time for everybody until tomorrow.

Now I have cracked how to amplify my harmonica I'm not so interested in experimenting with it . When I get into my maths I have a hard job mustering up interest in the harp at all. Still, best to do a little bit or I will fall flat on my face when I play at Butterknowle Acoustic Club in 10 days time.

Clifford had a good day and he went through trigonometric differentiation again to really secure it . Good lad. I never asked him to do this but when he feels a weakness in anything he tries to turn it into a strength. Good lad. A family trait. Fo is pretty determined when I think about and sometimes when I don't want her to be !

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