Friday 30 April 2010

Repetitive strain injury or RSI is a real pain in the neck. Literally. I have been handicapped with my right hand since I was 6 (a car accident) but several years ago I started getting severe hand pain in my left hand due to using the computer as well as severe neck pain. That wouldn't be so bad but it is the ferocious headache, nausea and all over aching , especially my feet , that really gets me . It's like being handicapped twice . Using the portable isn't so bad because I keep my neck low when typing but when I use my MALTRON left handed keyboard that really does me over . I have voice recognition but you cannot use it when the rest of the family is around because you have to speak moderately loud and clear and that disturbs the rest of the family .

What bugs me most of all is that I have a chance to go on a Graduate Maths enhancement course to teach maths next year but I don't see how I can do the course if I am unable to use the computers. That's even before I get on the job. My wife is a teacher and there is no way I could do all the computer work she does for her planning and preparation.

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