Friday 30 April 2010

Comments coming and more old friends, a work in progress! Sorry , can't remember some surnames or I never knew them in the first place!

Simon Hoban, Jim Wakefield, Joe James, Tom Owen, Peter Dodds, Emily Peattie, Toni Maynor, Jimmy Richards, Mark(punk), Mark (housing), Mark(York Tours) John Cartwright, Jane(judges daughter), Neil Grant, John Diggins, Frank Pallister, Angie Pallister, Toni Bunnel, Peter James, Frank Pallister, Angie Pallister,Fliss and Jarleth, Steve Thomson,

Keith and Audrey Mellard, Sarah Mellard (nee Wollny), Richard Wollny,

Stamford Bridge / Pocklington.
Repetitive strain injury or RSI is a real pain in the neck. Literally. I have been handicapped with my right hand since I was 6 (a car accident) but several years ago I started getting severe hand pain in my left hand due to using the computer as well as severe neck pain. That wouldn't be so bad but it is the ferocious headache, nausea and all over aching , especially my feet , that really gets me . It's like being handicapped twice . Using the portable isn't so bad because I keep my neck low when typing but when I use my MALTRON left handed keyboard that really does me over . I have voice recognition but you cannot use it when the rest of the family is around because you have to speak moderately loud and clear and that disturbs the rest of the family .

What bugs me most of all is that I have a chance to go on a Graduate Maths enhancement course to teach maths next year but I don't see how I can do the course if I am unable to use the computers. That's even before I get on the job. My wife is a teacher and there is no way I could do all the computer work she does for her planning and preparation.
Had a good week. Miles got his maths problems sorted and is back to his usual getting somewhere self and I am playing music with an excellent guitarist called Melvyn Lewis tomorrow. I played in a band with Mel for a while a few years ago but pulled out just before the first gig because I found the whole process of singing and playing in a band a bit much. When I play with a band I usually just play harmonica. Anyway I will be singing and playing with Mel tomorrow.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Had a lovely 3 walk around Easby Abbey area in Richmond. The wood anenemones had an amazing covering and the river was very low. All the green is getting louder and feels like it is moving towards you because it is growing so fast. Visited my Mum afterwards.

Saturday 24 April 2010

With the family I had a great 6 mile walk around Durham. There was not much bird life but looking at the coral fragments in the columns in Durham Cathedral more than made up for it. Family life is fun!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Had a good day with my maths work today. I am aiming to do the maths enhancement course for graduates at Sunderland Uni next year. This requires an A Level in Maths .Because of my physical handicap I hope there is not an issue with teacher competencies but I should be alright. They're screaming out for maths teachers after all. There's always home tutoring. Two people have asked me already, one was a Muslim man originally from Bangladesh who was totally shocked that I owned two Korans!
Miles sorted his maths problem out today. Its not the ability that impresses me its the character. Total respect. We seem to have some sort of interlocking minds when it comes to sorting out these home education problems. Its the same with my youngest(Clifford) although strangely enough I often consult with Miles about how to get the best learning of maths from him. Odd game this house-husband bit . Sometimes I will be glad when it is all over because I will not have the responsibilties I have now . And I want to be a maths teacher after this . I must be crazy!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Yesterdays home education maths fix with Miles has worked although he still had some trouble with a couple of questions. He needs 960 points across the 2 Maths and Further Maths A Levels to get a double A and he already has 702 points with 4 modules to go . Should be alright!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

A minor shock today: Miles did really badly on his Further Maths mock exam.He got 89% for his first A Level(Mathematics). However, the lad gets no less than 85% doing the questions individually from memory but with no time limit. So we have worked out a strategy to get his exam performance up. Today I earned my money as a house-husband!

It is interesting that with little to no understanding of the mathematics I can help him get a better exam performance . I have done this many times before when he has got stuck. The problem is most often not being able to see the trees because of the wood and reminding the lad that he knows most of the maths it is just that because he cannot solve this particular problem it doesn't mean that the large amount of problems he can solve cannot help him solve this one just because he has forgot or feels that that past success will not help him. Another day in the life of a house-husband who thought that he no longer needed to assist his eldest child in a home-education way. Miles was home-educated for most of his school age and even now is doing his A Levels Maths and Further Maths entirely on his own.
Yesterday evening I had a nice 6 mile walk around York. The sun was setting deep red and the evening light was lovely. It was difficult to see the birdlife on York Uni. lake but it was nice anyway. I thought about the family a lot , as I always do, particularly the children, but I also reflected on the great changes in my life since I settled down and got married (in York) nearly 22 years ago and how I lived before then. At the moment I am reflecting a lot on the past particularly my life in York before I was married. A nice evening.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Today me and the family had a nice two mile walk around Richmond , N.Yorks, and then went and visited my Mum. She was in good health and has finally decided to go online. This will enable her to have a fuller life because she cannot get out and about like she used to. There are thousands of photos online of where she grew up and the places that she has lived in throughout her life .
Dear World.

This sorry house-husband has finally succumbed to blogging. I frequently outline our family walks on Facebook so I thought I would write about my world, our world , your world.

Warmest regards
Paul Saunders-Priem