Saturday 26 March 2016

We've just got back from a windy and dampish walk around the Durham Woods and Durham City . We saw a Jay and a Little Grebe which is the first one we've seen since the winter before last winter. It's spring now so for the first time in 20 years we haven't seen Little Grebes on the River Wear in winter!
Weel , instead of making a mega tasty home cooked Italianish meal we opted for takeout Kebab because I couldn't be bothered to cook. I'll do that for the family tomorrow. We also opened a nice parcel from Berlin and our German female family friend which had chocolate bunnies , sheep and mini eggs as well as a Schubert Lieder with the poetry book (in German ) which ain't such a problem because there is a translation of it in the cd liner notes. I love our German friend because she worked out very quickly from first meeting us that in our lowbrow way our brows are quite high indeed. She also gave us a replica 1944 uk allied soldiers code of conduct book for how British soldiers should behave to the vanquished Germans . She's a good 'un and I like to tease her that I think Angela Merkel should be the British Queen!
Anyway , whilst sinking our teeth into Darlington finest kebabs , cracking fodder, we watched the sci fi film "Chappie " and that was great . I did a lot of music earlier on in the day so I'm now chilling and thrilling myself reading stuff ( maths to Uk history) and investigating getting an accordion to play at Irish sessions 'cos I'm sick of huffing and puffing and blowing my own house down on the harmonica. The trouble is since I started doing this last night all my FB ads are now about accordions. It's better than the usual Pink Ferrets . A great day and I love my family , friends and the whole human race. We're all getting there !