Saturday 31 May 2014

A cracking day. Up at 5.30 am  crack on with song writing now my tail is up again. Got a load of stuff done and I'm understanding how to use a harmonica in a song  . Out at midday with Fiona and Clifford for a ramble around Durham City outskirts then into the City . Miles holed up in his hall of residence revising . Good lad.The River Wear   brown and peaty from the rain. Smells in the lane were brilliant with all the new spring growth. Caught it just right with all the rain evaporating carrying the odours . Nice. Biccy break in Cathedral Cloisters radiant and peaceful. Coffee in Market Square amongst many lively people . Had iced coffee for first time . Cool. Fiona bought Vintage buttoned jumper and looked really good .  Clifford and I stood by discussing why women are so interested in buying clothes. An enlightened young man! Back home to Leonard Cohen crash out and cuddle. Meatballs cooking now. "Eyes on the Prize" episode 1 coming up. There are 14 of them! Wonderful video history of the American Civil Rights movement . It's on YouTube and I highly recommend it . Then on into the night warbling and wailing getting another song done .  Great feelings of love and oneness with family and friends .

Sunday 18 May 2014

A good weekend . No music but who cares. It's in the head but I can't be bothered to write it down and wail  it . Yesterday we visited Miles at his Durham Hall of Residence  to get family stuff sorted out . Which we did . He's a good lad. And we might be half decent parents as well! Wise anyway!Went to Bahai Feast and met Durham Friends after this and had a very nice time . Spoke to a fine 13 year old girl who knew more about the music business than I ever will. If I get anywhere I'd have her manage me as soon as she gets past 18. Ambition with knowledge = success! Today Fiona and I visited my Mum in Richmond and she was cheerful but not feeling very well. |She does seem to be fading a bit but she is very resilient . I've just had a great talk with Clifford about him going to a Social Anxiety support group and he's keen to do that. Good lad ! Plenty of songwriting to do for the week and harmonica practice so a good one coming up which will start tonight . The flood has come back. I hate the droughts !