Thursday 27 March 2014

Nice evening with Miles. He is back from Durham for 5 weeks due to term ending. Next week he has a 4 day teacher training maths placement . After that he is  back up to Durham to revise for his exams. His course work has finished .There is a big project to do over the summer. Went to Leeds Works skatepark tonight. Unfortunately it was BMX night so no skateboarders allowed. He'd checked before we went but it wasn't obvious to me when I looked on the website back home that it was BMX only .  Picked up a load of Chilli Nachos and Diet Coke on way back. Watched Aliens 2 the extended version . Really great . He is great company and we pulled a good evening out of a bad one !

Sunday 23 March 2014

Beautiful  Cliffords 19th Birthday weekend . Walked around Newcastle . Miles went to Lego Builders Exhibition at Life Center . Still a  big  kid . Good for him. Clifford and I slurped coffee and munched  cupcakes  with  marzipan Lego Blocks on top of them.Cool! Fiona giggled. Next went down to Tyne Bridge and looked at Kittiwakes nesting. Furthest inland colony in the world. The North East rules. Under a spring sultry sun Miles and Clifford gave us  a laugh trying out outdoor gym equipment . Miles struggled. Still very uncoordinated. Walked down to Ouseburn River then into City Center . Newcastle had won a match . Lot of satisfied looking Geordies. Dined at the Wok Inn. Lamb Satay noodles made me very hot . Face went red and poured out sweat . Really good . Much laughing . Free cake for Clifford  birthday boy . Manager took photo of us to put on Happy People Wall. Then down to Durham for Naw Ruz Celebration. Bit late . Thought they may have all gone home. Miles and Clifford having very nice chats to two fine young Chinese ladies . Very pretty . Then chatting to two  Iranian young ladies. Also pretty. The lads home in on young ladies very quick these days . Good.  Lively do and  Bahai's and some Kurdish Muslims there  having a great time .  Back home late to watch second Hunger Games movie and munch ice cream .  Skateboarding today and a Mum visit in Richmond  this afternoon. Now cooking meat balls and sauce. Glowing with love for family and friends . Why walk when I can run!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Beautiful afternoon out with family. Walked around Richmond in Swaledale .  Billy Banks Woods by the Swale was pregnant with buds waiting to spring. A wintry sky   was foiled by  the warm day .  The lads were in good humorous fettle . So was my Mum when we visited her .  I write this to the sound of sizzling meatballs. The quiet settled Saunders-Priem family feeling has returned . Any Which Way But Loose is about to be watched and an evening of song writing awaits .  A strong feeling of "the best is yet to come" surrounds me . But the best feeling of all is the love I feel for my family , friends and the whole of humanity .