Wednesday 29 January 2014

 A good afternoon out with the Goodwife Fiona at Saltholme RSPB Birdpark. Very cold coming from a stiff North East wind. Hundreds of Wigeon. Two Red Breasted Mergansers. Loads of Gadwalls. Four Little Egrets. Two courting. Topped off by a very close look at my favourite bird the Shoveller . A helicopter flew over .The  four square miles of the park erupted with thousands of birds in the air. Coffee and cake break was in Paddies Pool hide. Very cosy with the bird entertainment.  Taiwan buddy Mr Ian Fletcher gave me location of his recent family wander at  Yehliu .Good night coming up looking at the geology . Whooppee!

Saturday 25 January 2014

With fine fettle Fiona, marching matey Miles and comfortable canny Clifford I had a shower soaked ramble around surrounds and City Centre of Durham Metropolis . The River Wear was speedily surging. Sporty students sporting as they do on a Saturday afternoon. Bird free zone today . One Goosdander spotted on way back . Biscuit break in Cathedral Cloisters flavoured with soggy trousers. Beethoven's  Missa Solemnis beautiful echoing around the transepts from choir and orchestra  . Motorway cloud watching next to snoozing wife on way back showing panoramic views of showers showering and forming . A great afternoon out . Pork balls, fresh pasta and Daddies tomato sauce to come after we've listened to some Leonard Cohen . Awash with feelings of love for family friends and the human race . Wonderful!

Friday 24 January 2014

Great day. First up.  Accompanied Fiona to  hairdressers. I walked around old area we lived in .Then mega good banter with ladies at hairdressers. Fiona eventually looked gorgeous . Next to Newcastle to pick up Clifford .Shop for fashion boots for Fiona first . Dr. Martens 20 hole looked amazing on the leggy lady dressed in her finest pixie outfit for fashion fitting boots . To heavy though! Pixie outfit consists of just beneath bum level horizontal striped jumper and coloured leggings. Nice ! Debenhams next. A mighty  "There is a God"  feeling .She got her boots  within 10 minutes! Then dash down to Holy Jesus Tudor Hospital 'cos Fiona hadn't seen it . Many  "Ooo"s "Amazing" s and the best one " Gotta come back and look again"s. Clifford met at Teddy Shop and in good hard working fettle . Miles coming along later . The weekend begins !

Monday 13 January 2014

York walk today with Fiona. 6 miles of bliss. Very quiet. Bit of jabbering jibbering by me . Must  worry less about lads. Foundation has been laid and they have the tools to build. Minster sublime serene. Prayers  in Prayer Chapel for friends past and present. Bahai Prayers in Christian place but all go to same destination! University crowded with students. But no Goosanders. Higher education and twitching don't mix! Angela's place visited but no Angela!  Crash out on Millennium bridge bracing. Sniffed over by pleasant dogs. Fiona chilled to bone . Costa Coffee rescue successfull. Walked back to car in half light. Fiona family friends resonate in my heart. Got to reconnect with music though.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Well, things are looking up in my marriage at last . No ferret no matter how  many calls to Ferret Line for men who's wives ban ferrets  but Earth Mother Ruler of the Domestic Domain is allowing  me to get a sheep eating cactus Puya chilensis. So in 10 years time when this thing is a Triffed like monster in my music room and I disappear it's not Fiona's doing . I will have been grabbed by a cactus  with it's poisonous spines .  Apparently you feed this thing by chucking in a  mouse once a year and it decomposes after having being slain by the dastardly prickles and its gory nutritional requirements have been met. Not quite as exciting as a ferret and I can't stroke it but it will do.  As every good woman knows : it's the thought that counts!