Saturday 27 December 2014

Sometime there is a perfect day and I've just had one of them. I got my new song Durham County Line sung and recorded up this morning . After some initial hassles sorting out the how of recording it, it  in went in very quickly . Nice , because I wanted it done before going out to Newcastle with the family at 1.30pm. A Deadline Dandy me ! The scattered clouds and low winter sun over Newcastle Centre were great and we walked over the Millennium Bridge , up to the top of the Baltic Flour Mill Art Building , then over to the Sage and up to the top of that , then over the Tyne Bridge , down to the Tudor Holy Jesus Hospital , meandered  around the Eldon Square Shopping area and then plonked ourselves down at the Wok Inn to munch our way through some brill Chinese food . Hitting the street afterwards it was sleeting like mad so we hoofed it to the car promptly and headed for home . With chocolate and Diet Coke we watched a German film called "Run Lola Run" which was really cool and wacky, a fitting end to a great day . The best thing about today was listening to Clifford talk about getting back to University to study History and he is applying for Northumbria , Newcastle and York Universities . Good lad . It's been a tough year for him but spiritual , physical and emotional resilience is what our family is all about . We're a team but we also believe in first and foremost team human family  and I am super grateful for the love , support and great advice I've had from friends this year.God bless you all.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Fiona was down with sinusitis , Miles was down with a bug and Clifford was ....... down ......... so I headed off on my own for a mid morning walk around Durham Woods , River Wear and Durham  City. Whilst staring   at couple of Little Grebes a nice man with a whippet got talking to me about  local  wildlife and his fine whippet. He also told me his previous whippet  that ran off and was flattened on the A1(M) and yet again I  inwardly groaned at the fact that when I get talking to virtually anyone in the North East I often get more than I bargained for . I like that  but a flattened whippet stuck in my mind for a little while! Being passed by many young folk jogging and running, I strolled into the City where there was a food fair in the Cathedral and a 50 meter queue to get in . Using  a bit of local knowledge  I went through the woods around the back of the Cathedral to avoid the queue. I said prayers in St Cuthberts Shrine at  the East End which was  nice because there were several Christian folk doing the same thing . On the way back to the car , walking along the street , deep in thought ,I had the strange experience of a young woman appearing in front of  me in pyjamas . At first I thought it was a vision and resisted the temptation to poke her in the ribs to make sure she was real, simultaneously thinking that she must be , because if I was going to have a vision of a woman in pyjamas on a Durham street it would be in the 55+ age range . Anyway, she was real , vacant looking , staring down the street and next to an open door so this being a student town and me being a   gentleman I smiled and walked by . On the way back to Darlington the clouds  were  coming over and it felt like it was going to snow . Fiona had perked up when I got  back . Hooray. Well right now , the tea is nearly cooked , I'm feeling at one with the world and a great family feeding session  watching  Lord of the Rings   is about to happen . Yippee!

Saturday 29 November 2014

With the family I had a very lively and funny walk from Shincliffe down the River Wear into Durham City . We saw a Little Grebe , the first I've seen here for the winter, and I said   there will be Goosander's around as well because they leave the ponds and lakes in the Uplands of the Pennines and Lake District at the same time and a couple of hours later there was a Goosander all on it's own beneath the weir downstream from Prebend Bridge . Durham was quiet  although the steel erectors were working on the riverside development and the Archimedes Screw water power technology had been added to  with a large trench. We  had a lively biscuit break in the Market Place . At Starbucks we got very loud and crazy  but hey , why not ?  Life is for the living and death is for the dead according to Buffy Saint Marie . Amen . The meatballs are sizzling the  garlic  breads are cosying up to them and we are about to watch Lord of the Rings the first movie and I hope I'll stay awake . Along with the frolic and fun of this afternoon I felt a great love for my family , friends and humanity . God bless you all! 

Saturday 15 November 2014

With the  family I had a beautiful walk around the River Wear, Durham Woods and onto Durham City . As I haven't had much exercise over the past week, because of doing my back in ,the milky brooding mist felt fresh and fun ! A total bonus was seeing a Peregrine Falcon scooting from tree to tree on the river bank . Mega ace ! The Market Place  was full of students and shoppers as well as young kids enjoying rides on the roundabout there  . Our two lads rode on it when they were little!  The tomato sauce and fresh pasta are cooking away and when it's ready we're watching the film  " Sliding Doors"   . Great to be back up and walking again but best of all is loving my friends and family !

Saturday 18 October 2014

Under a blowy cumulus cloud  laden sky I had a beautiful walk with the family around Durham City . The autumn leaves   are going to multicoloured kaleidoscope and we did the same walk as last week but in reverse . It was strange walking backwards but there you go . Biscuit break ,   actually it was a banana for me, was a hooting laugh fest but we settled down enough afterwards to go to Flass Vale Woods the new focus for our Durham walks . There were a lot of students and young people milling around the city streets enjoying that balmy Saturday afternoon take it easy feel which seems to come over Durham City on the weekend and the stop for coffee did nothing to calm our over excited expressions. As soon we got home I cooked   fresh pasta  and tomato sauce for the hungry minions and didn't overcook the garlic bread this week. Being on a weight loss binge I abstemiously had  half a bowl of soup and a piece of garlic bread. We watched the film "The Sum of All Fears" an action adventure romp.  Clifford is coming back on line again , good , Miles is planning his way into teaching work before he does teacher training next year , he has signed on with a supply agency , Fiona is in Garden Goddess hibernation mode because of the forthcoming winter showing  a   mellow happy glow,   like she looked after she gave birth,  but this will go on until the spring and I'm back on the song trail again after another minor slowdown wondering how my music ambition will fit into my current family duties. What I love about my family is the resilient cheer we always manifest no matter what happens. It's something that inspires me with the many fine folk I know as well . Warmest love to everyone !

Thursday 4 September 2014

A nice 8 miles of walking today. First 4 miles were in Durham City through a wispy disappearing mist from Shincliffe alongside the River Wear. At coffee break at Starbucks I had a great discussion with a man with mental problems who gave me a good chunk of his life story. Confirmed my view that alcohol is  very bad for some folk. With the wispy hazy mist still in the West side of the gorge that surrounds most of Durham Cathedral, shown nicely with the 11am sun casting a shadow over it, I headed back to a sunny Darlington. I still felt like getting some more miles in my legs so I  walked into Darlo center and back, a nice 4 miles. A walking day with a  lot of thinking done!

Saturday 23 August 2014

   Fiona and I walked around a blowing blustery Durham City under blue skies with deep dark grey cumulus clouds swooping in to rain strong showers. Lovely coloured hints of autumn matched   our happy glow . Hiking happiness the best experience of all in our 26 year long marriage. A frappuccino at Starbucks lasted long enough to avoid going to the Vintage shop with the clothes deprived imaginations of Fiona. The City was quiet and the Cathedral sombre under a massive cumulus cloud . Our prayers in the Prayer Chapel raised the glow to a bright light. Coming back along the River Wear  not yet full of the coming flood water a Woodpecker showed itself . Magic. Home now and the fresh linguine is cooking next to the tomato source . "Cop Land" a police drama about a New York cop who gradually realises his colleagues are corrupt is ready to be watched . The PSP family is rocking   but maybe not rolling as it usually does. Miles skateboarded to day at 4Motion in Darlington and Clifford chilled at home  as their  parents romped and romanced around Durham . A good day!

Friday 15 August 2014

Gosh what a troublesome wife I have occasionally  . The first of the Garden Goddess'  tomatoes have ripened. I'm having a healthy salad and my own home potato salad for tea while the rest of the family pleberatti are having the usual fried fish and it's close relations. So, you'd think my request to have the first fruits of the summers seasons offerings on my plate would be a reasonable request . Nope . I'm getting HALF A TOMATO to go with my salad and that only after a googley eyed tense gunfighter style  stand off with the fine lady . Sometimes marriage is tough !

Friday 25 July 2014

Fiona and I had a great urban ramble around Newcastle today and a mini ramble in Durham City. There was a cool breeze blowing in Newcastle. The tide was rushing in up the Tyne past the Kittiwakes and their fledglings perched on the Tyne Bridge. We walked along the Ouseburn River path with   the new buildings pushing up nicely and then to the Biscuit Factory art gallery to see the  landscape art of Julie Dumbarton. The heads up to see her work came from my FB mate David Forte who runs the fantabulous Larrys Lodge B n B  at Keswick in the Lake District . Mrs Dumbartons work is exceptionally  good and worth having a look at . A Costa coffee cool down slurping a crushed ice cappuccino was had before heading off to Durham to meet Miles and Clifford at the great Inshanghai eating emporium. After food wolfing was done we went  back home to  two episodes of the WW2 miniseries the Pacific. I've got another song written so that has to be recorded this weekend . I'm back on the tune trail now some family problems and potentialities have been sorted. I never forget that love is a rose that has thorns as well but I will never give up growing roses. Scratches and all !

Sunday 20 July 2014

Yesterday I had a beautiful day out in York with my family. We met up again with Verona a lady from Berlin who we did a big Yorkshire Dales tour and walks last Thursday. We paddled around York in the rain visiting churches and snickleways. Verona really enjoyed seeing the bits of York  she had not seen before. She has been regularly visiting the city since the mid 80s. As we walked up Birdcage Walk heading back into town for tea we met, joy of joys, Emily Peattie and Toni Maynor two fine ladies I knew really well from the 80s but had not seen  since 1996. The last time they had seen Miles and Clifford they were 4 and 1! It was a beautiful experience seeing them and they were as friendly as ever. Verona is going to do some trips out with us again next year when she holiday's in York again.  A very beautiful day out.

Saturday 14 June 2014

A beautiful afternoon out doing an urban ramble around Newcastle with Clifford and Fiona . We walked around the castle which goes back to Norman times . Views from the top amazing under a wispy cloudy sky. Then over the high level bridge which is a double decker one . Road on the bottom and railway on top . Coffee at train siding cafe on the Gateshead side . Biscuit break next to the Sage and great views over the Tyne . Lot of Goldfinches. Walked through Sage then nice climb of the stairs up to  the top the Baltic Art Gallery . Great views! I was last person across Millennium Bridge when it was raised to let two boats through . Onward up more steps to Costa Cafe for iced coffee and melon drinks . The meatballs are cooking and we're about to watch Eyes on the Prize episode 4. A brilliant 14 part documentary about the US Civil Rights Movement. Great feelings of love for friends and family .

Saturday 7 June 2014

A wet Saturday walk was done by myself this afternoon. Fiona and Clifford didn't feel like going out .Wandering out from Shincliffe down the lane next to the River Wear   wonderful with all the wet pungent smelling vegetation . Wet weather sporty youngies   out  sporting it. No one else   around .  A reflective walk thinking a lot about family and how it has it's mostly ups but sometimes downs . Nothing us parents are not equal to. We've cracked difficulties with the lads before always ending up at a higher level. That's what life is about . Progress.  Coffee break   at Esquires packed out with damp people . A comradeship of the soggy prevailed. Worked out a couple more songs. Reflected on the great times   with the family  in this City and surrounds . Got back to a very asleep Fiona . I'm now cooking the Italian fresh pasta tea  . Fiona's growing Basil in my music room and the place smells wonderful. She will cut some fresh leaves soon. She's just done it . Gorgeous. The Basil is good as well.  Eyes on the Prize a video history  of the US Civil Rights movement part 2 coming up. Inspirational. I keep my eyes on the prize at all times. What's the prize? Loving humanity and removing injustice.

Saturday 31 May 2014

A cracking day. Up at 5.30 am  crack on with song writing now my tail is up again. Got a load of stuff done and I'm understanding how to use a harmonica in a song  . Out at midday with Fiona and Clifford for a ramble around Durham City outskirts then into the City . Miles holed up in his hall of residence revising . Good lad.The River Wear   brown and peaty from the rain. Smells in the lane were brilliant with all the new spring growth. Caught it just right with all the rain evaporating carrying the odours . Nice. Biccy break in Cathedral Cloisters radiant and peaceful. Coffee in Market Square amongst many lively people . Had iced coffee for first time . Cool. Fiona bought Vintage buttoned jumper and looked really good .  Clifford and I stood by discussing why women are so interested in buying clothes. An enlightened young man! Back home to Leonard Cohen crash out and cuddle. Meatballs cooking now. "Eyes on the Prize" episode 1 coming up. There are 14 of them! Wonderful video history of the American Civil Rights movement . It's on YouTube and I highly recommend it . Then on into the night warbling and wailing getting another song done .  Great feelings of love and oneness with family and friends .

Sunday 18 May 2014

A good weekend . No music but who cares. It's in the head but I can't be bothered to write it down and wail  it . Yesterday we visited Miles at his Durham Hall of Residence  to get family stuff sorted out . Which we did . He's a good lad. And we might be half decent parents as well! Wise anyway!Went to Bahai Feast and met Durham Friends after this and had a very nice time . Spoke to a fine 13 year old girl who knew more about the music business than I ever will. If I get anywhere I'd have her manage me as soon as she gets past 18. Ambition with knowledge = success! Today Fiona and I visited my Mum in Richmond and she was cheerful but not feeling very well. |She does seem to be fading a bit but she is very resilient . I've just had a great talk with Clifford about him going to a Social Anxiety support group and he's keen to do that. Good lad ! Plenty of songwriting to do for the week and harmonica practice so a good one coming up which will start tonight . The flood has come back. I hate the droughts !

Saturday 12 April 2014

Gorgeous afternoon walk around the Durham Woods with the lovely Fiona. Saw Jay in woods. Heard completely unfamiliar bird song and saw a pair of black bird size birds fly off high in the tree canopy.Had this gnawing worm  in my head all the way  around the walk . In car on way back the only bird it could be was a Ring Ouzel. No other woodland bird sounds like that.  Good old Occam's Razor . Been using it for years . When everything has been proved wrong what is left must be right . Not completely convinced after listening to the RSPB recording but I'm 90% sure . Great biscuit break in Durham Cathedral Cloisters and said prayers for friends past and present dead and alive . Lovely moment .  Coffee in Esquires was beautiful . Durham City ambience is magical. Lads stayed at home . Miles wasted from early morning skate park session in new Darlington indoor skatepark .A very excellent place .  Clifford doing Maths . Good lad! Good effort . Persian rice is ready , peas are done and the home made burgers are a cooking . Pelican Brief film coming up and then an evening of songwriting . Obsessed with songs at the moment . Getting to like harmonica again at last . Just 'cos I'm a cripple and can't play any other instrument I don't know why I dislike it so much . It likes me . I should be friendlier to it !

Saturday 5 April 2014

Under an April shower sky Fiona  me and Clifford walked from Shincliffe along the River Wear and  into Durham City Centre. Great conversation with Clifford about his future.   A demonstration by him that good thinking can overcome any problem . Good  lad . Biscuit break in market place a good laugh. Coffee next to Framwellgate Bridge relaxing . Espresso got me set up for a great songwriting evening. Chromatic harmonica hooting as well!  Durham Cathedral ushers wonderful to talk to . Lovely people. God bless the Church of England . The Cathedral Sandstone is  awesome to be in . Dynamic. Spiritual. Fiona didn't fall asleep on way home . Meatballs sauce pasta cooking and I'm feeling fruitful and at one with the world. 

Thursday 27 March 2014

Nice evening with Miles. He is back from Durham for 5 weeks due to term ending. Next week he has a 4 day teacher training maths placement . After that he is  back up to Durham to revise for his exams. His course work has finished .There is a big project to do over the summer. Went to Leeds Works skatepark tonight. Unfortunately it was BMX night so no skateboarders allowed. He'd checked before we went but it wasn't obvious to me when I looked on the website back home that it was BMX only .  Picked up a load of Chilli Nachos and Diet Coke on way back. Watched Aliens 2 the extended version . Really great . He is great company and we pulled a good evening out of a bad one !

Sunday 23 March 2014

Beautiful  Cliffords 19th Birthday weekend . Walked around Newcastle . Miles went to Lego Builders Exhibition at Life Center . Still a  big  kid . Good for him. Clifford and I slurped coffee and munched  cupcakes  with  marzipan Lego Blocks on top of them.Cool! Fiona giggled. Next went down to Tyne Bridge and looked at Kittiwakes nesting. Furthest inland colony in the world. The North East rules. Under a spring sultry sun Miles and Clifford gave us  a laugh trying out outdoor gym equipment . Miles struggled. Still very uncoordinated. Walked down to Ouseburn River then into City Center . Newcastle had won a match . Lot of satisfied looking Geordies. Dined at the Wok Inn. Lamb Satay noodles made me very hot . Face went red and poured out sweat . Really good . Much laughing . Free cake for Clifford  birthday boy . Manager took photo of us to put on Happy People Wall. Then down to Durham for Naw Ruz Celebration. Bit late . Thought they may have all gone home. Miles and Clifford having very nice chats to two fine young Chinese ladies . Very pretty . Then chatting to two  Iranian young ladies. Also pretty. The lads home in on young ladies very quick these days . Good.  Lively do and  Bahai's and some Kurdish Muslims there  having a great time .  Back home late to watch second Hunger Games movie and munch ice cream .  Skateboarding today and a Mum visit in Richmond  this afternoon. Now cooking meat balls and sauce. Glowing with love for family and friends . Why walk when I can run!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Beautiful afternoon out with family. Walked around Richmond in Swaledale .  Billy Banks Woods by the Swale was pregnant with buds waiting to spring. A wintry sky   was foiled by  the warm day .  The lads were in good humorous fettle . So was my Mum when we visited her .  I write this to the sound of sizzling meatballs. The quiet settled Saunders-Priem family feeling has returned . Any Which Way But Loose is about to be watched and an evening of song writing awaits .  A strong feeling of "the best is yet to come" surrounds me . But the best feeling of all is the love I feel for my family , friends and the whole of humanity .

Saturday 22 February 2014

Serene afternoon walk around River Wear. Shincliffe to Durham City   and back with Clifford . Fiona laid low with sniffles. Miles suffering from an excess of Mathematics during the week. Brain dead! 11 hours on one day . Good lad! Maniac! Spring sky blowing fresh with territorial bird songs carrying on the wind through the woods.Breeding time. Quiet biscuit break in low peopled Durham City Market place . Ethiopian coffee at Framwellgate bridge Starbucks. Talking American History with Clifford. He's a wonderful lad to be with . Beautiful. Brings out the calm and quiet in me . Never knew I had those! Spotted Goosander on riverbank still there from a couple of days ago. Some of the most serene times I have with my family. Often feel serene when I'm playing harmonica with bands . The right places to be ! Love to all.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Miles did one hour power walk alone. Clifford studying  for his Mathematical Modelling group in Newcastle  . On the mend.  So cracking walk with Fiona this afternoon around a windswept Durham Woods and City .  River Wear in spate . Light brown muddy. Saw four Goosanders and one Little Grebe . All looking very calm. Flooded river and gale blowing . No problem! Durham Centre quiet. Cathedral moodily sublime . Safe . Prayers said in Prayer Chapel . Beautiful.  Fiona fit  and game . Nice . But sound asleep on motorway back. Bubbling tomato sauce and meatballs going strong . Movie watch in 20 minutes . Waves of love for world family and friends .

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Had a nice little trot around York this morning to do  thinking through of life in general. Sorted. So on the way back to Darlington  in the Karaoke Car I decided to get flowers and chocolate for the Fantabulous Fiona to cheer her up and set a hedge against any future naughtiness of mine . Marriage hedging is vital if you want to say married. In the supermarket  I got the chocolate , large bar , and then a bunch of tulips, bright right  red colour  . As I wandered to the checkout I ran into my lovely lady who caught me in the act of doing something loving . Nice hug and a kiss followed . Today , this rare day , I am the perfect husband !

Wednesday 29 January 2014

 A good afternoon out with the Goodwife Fiona at Saltholme RSPB Birdpark. Very cold coming from a stiff North East wind. Hundreds of Wigeon. Two Red Breasted Mergansers. Loads of Gadwalls. Four Little Egrets. Two courting. Topped off by a very close look at my favourite bird the Shoveller . A helicopter flew over .The  four square miles of the park erupted with thousands of birds in the air. Coffee and cake break was in Paddies Pool hide. Very cosy with the bird entertainment.  Taiwan buddy Mr Ian Fletcher gave me location of his recent family wander at  Yehliu .Good night coming up looking at the geology . Whooppee!

Saturday 25 January 2014

With fine fettle Fiona, marching matey Miles and comfortable canny Clifford I had a shower soaked ramble around surrounds and City Centre of Durham Metropolis . The River Wear was speedily surging. Sporty students sporting as they do on a Saturday afternoon. Bird free zone today . One Goosdander spotted on way back . Biscuit break in Cathedral Cloisters flavoured with soggy trousers. Beethoven's  Missa Solemnis beautiful echoing around the transepts from choir and orchestra  . Motorway cloud watching next to snoozing wife on way back showing panoramic views of showers showering and forming . A great afternoon out . Pork balls, fresh pasta and Daddies tomato sauce to come after we've listened to some Leonard Cohen . Awash with feelings of love for family friends and the human race . Wonderful!

Friday 24 January 2014

Great day. First up.  Accompanied Fiona to  hairdressers. I walked around old area we lived in .Then mega good banter with ladies at hairdressers. Fiona eventually looked gorgeous . Next to Newcastle to pick up Clifford .Shop for fashion boots for Fiona first . Dr. Martens 20 hole looked amazing on the leggy lady dressed in her finest pixie outfit for fashion fitting boots . To heavy though! Pixie outfit consists of just beneath bum level horizontal striped jumper and coloured leggings. Nice ! Debenhams next. A mighty  "There is a God"  feeling .She got her boots  within 10 minutes! Then dash down to Holy Jesus Tudor Hospital 'cos Fiona hadn't seen it . Many  "Ooo"s "Amazing" s and the best one " Gotta come back and look again"s. Clifford met at Teddy Shop and in good hard working fettle . Miles coming along later . The weekend begins !

Monday 13 January 2014

York walk today with Fiona. 6 miles of bliss. Very quiet. Bit of jabbering jibbering by me . Must  worry less about lads. Foundation has been laid and they have the tools to build. Minster sublime serene. Prayers  in Prayer Chapel for friends past and present. Bahai Prayers in Christian place but all go to same destination! University crowded with students. But no Goosanders. Higher education and twitching don't mix! Angela's place visited but no Angela!  Crash out on Millennium bridge bracing. Sniffed over by pleasant dogs. Fiona chilled to bone . Costa Coffee rescue successfull. Walked back to car in half light. Fiona family friends resonate in my heart. Got to reconnect with music though.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Well, things are looking up in my marriage at last . No ferret no matter how  many calls to Ferret Line for men who's wives ban ferrets  but Earth Mother Ruler of the Domestic Domain is allowing  me to get a sheep eating cactus Puya chilensis. So in 10 years time when this thing is a Triffed like monster in my music room and I disappear it's not Fiona's doing . I will have been grabbed by a cactus  with it's poisonous spines .  Apparently you feed this thing by chucking in a  mouse once a year and it decomposes after having being slain by the dastardly prickles and its gory nutritional requirements have been met. Not quite as exciting as a ferret and I can't stroke it but it will do.  As every good woman knows : it's the thought that counts!