Saturday 31 August 2013

 Cracking day starting out with Baha'i stall with Clifford in the morning. Miles was wasted with a cold so it was off to Durham with Fiona and Clifford. Nifty walk into City Centre, nibbled choccy biscuits in marketplace then off to Cathedral bumping into a Vikings and Saxons exhibition with Fiona looking at weavers and spinners and us lads getting into a mock knife fight between some Vikings and Saxons. Excellent. Strange structures outside of Durham Cathedral indicated the possibility of wondrous things going on inside. Correct, there was a fundraising flower festival   with amazing flower arrangements . Technically wonderful and beautiful as well. The best beauty of all was watching my lovely wife really enjoying herself looking at flowers.

In the Cathedral far too long with one eldest child left alone possibly getting hungry. So, no home cooking, a trip to Mr Wings Chinese food Emporium and then back home to munch it with Miles watching "50 First Dates" which was excellent and very uplifting. Family life beautiful, friends great, job going well and it looks like they want me and songwriting is fun. A good day!

Saturday 17 August 2013

 This afternoon around the surrounds and City of Durham underneath rain tinkling stratocumulus clouds we had an exciting and joyful walk. I had my first two shot diddy coffee from Starbucks which has moved me further up the ladder of my quest to middle-class perfection. Biscuit break was in the market squareand in the Cathedral we saw a  bat in the Cloisters. Whilst staring up intently  few  people started doing the same thing and going "Ahhhh". It did look cute if not a bit lonely. Got into a nice discussion with a  pleasant young Christian lady out doing a stall on Elvet Bridge who has just completed a physics degree and was  interested  that Miles had completed his mathematics degree and was going on to do a Masters in her university. In spite of  knowing  he was a Bahai she invited him to her church! Sometimes we do go to church if they are very nice Christians. Could this be the first  invite from a lady to this fine young man ? Great to see folk    letting everyone know  religion still exists! Got back to the car before the rain came down, and I'm now cooking an  Italian style tea, about to watch "Anchorman" and have got a good evening set up of songwriting and harmonica. Love my family, friends as well as all of humanity.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Well, Clifford the Youngest is full of surprises. We have always seen him as just a bit beneath Maths Supremo Miles. Nothing wrong with that quite a few people blow better harmonica than I do and I'm a real believer in pecking orders and levels. Shock horror! Anyway, the lad got AAA for his A-levels Mathematics, Further Mathematics and History. Examination wise he has trounced his brother! Only joking, we just expect them to clear the bar I am not bothered how high they clear it. He could apply for another university right now based on these examination results but God bless him he is happy with Northumbria University Mathematics Course and he's sticking with that. Our two fine lads are staying in the North East for now which is great because I am getting to love the place! Love Yorkshire as well by the way!
 Clifford has got his place to study Mathematics at Northumbria University. Total respect to the lad because he has worked very hard at his mathematics. Just a week after his last exam this year he got down to working on his mathematical weaknesses and will be continuing with this until the back end of September, so he is well prepared for his undergraduate work. I do not know what his results are yet but they can't be anything less than ABC or else he would not have got his place.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Over floating duvet like stratocumulus clouds from horizon to horizon me and the rest of the family had a nice stroll around Durham City. We had a look at   accommodation for Miles. It looked very nice, safe and secure as well as poking round some of the streets which looked really interesting. Biscuit break was in the marketplace and my foodie wife insisted on getting two punnets of strawberries and a large tub of double cream. I suppose I will have to eat it! We went around Durham Cathedral which was very busy   there being people dressed up in Viking and Anglo-Saxon costumes showing activities that those people did. Really good. The afternoon cuddle has been done, the tea is a cooking , I have more music running round my head than a man should have and we are about to watch "End of Watch" a cop thriller. Not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the evening but harmonica playing, songwriting and possibly even a long walk may figure largely in it. I'm free, well the bonds of wife and family always pull me back and are never really out of my mind. God bless them. And God bless my friends for putting up with me!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Just got back from a beautiful shift and I love my job. Also found out today when recording my song I can do it in sections rather than singing the whole thing in one go. I am a complete idiot because I should have realised this earlier and my only redeeming feature  is I do realise things later! Beautiful 2 mile walk back from my job with a golden sunset and wispy high cirrus clouds and a loan paraglider looping around several miles away. Love the North East.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

6:30 AM Fiona is wide awake and alert. That hasn't happened for over a year. So, Fiona, me and Clifford are going for our 25th anniversary outing early . Had a nice tramp around the centre of York, said prayers for friends past, present and deceased in York Minster Prayer Chapel. Renewed our Bahai marriage vows in a corner of the Minster Gardens: "We will all verily abide by the will of God" said by me and Fiona in turn, and for 25 years we have. Spoke to a York friend I haven't seen for 17 years , Angie Pallister, as she used to be called and we will be seeing her again in the near future. Just got back from Tandoori Nights at Richmond in Swaledale after gobbling a load of food up and had much hilarity with my mum and the rest of the family. Also finished off the lyrics for my latest song this morning which will be recorded up tomorrow. A stonkingly good day. God bless my lovely wife!

Saturday 3 August 2013

 I have just come back from a very nice time this afternoon in Richmond in Swaledale at the Richmond Live three-day music Festival. The whole family met Joanne and Jeff Horn as well as their very talented daughter Sarah who plays the fiddle. She did this this afternoon with a band called Blackstone Edge and they were all excellent. Under a sky full of high cirrus clouds we had fish and chips in the marketplace and with full bellies struggled up a bank through the woods to get back to the car to go home. Family and friends are very beautiful experiences.
Several times a year I have to explain to someone that I am physically disabled. "You've fathered two children , been married for years , blow harmonica like a madman, sing like a lark, fit as a fiddle, got brains and a degree: Whats wrong with you? " . Ummmmm. And you'll be surprised at how many people change there behaviour towards me when they realise I'm a cripple and not only that because of my abilities above are condescending or even hostile at times. Strange world! Best to except people as they are in my view. To the people friendly towards me : "Thank you " . To the rest: " Get better soon"!