Saturday 21 July 2012

A cracking day . I got out this morning to do my Baha'i stall under a beautiful blue sky with high cirrus clouds whirling above with all those ice crystals slowly falling and had a nice time sat there taking some questions about my religion as well as a few folk taking a handful of leaflets. Had a nice mini chat with a Christian lady doing a Christian stall just up the way . Nice .

Fiona was totally zonked with her sinusitis today so me and the lads went for a lope around the Durham Woods and then had a nice biscuit break in center of Durham at the market , well I say biscuit break  because we raided the pie and cake shop and got a Cornish pasty, choccy muffin and Clifford wolfed a vanilla slice . All washed down with Diet Coke . When Mums away , the boys will play . Yum yum!

Had a good rap and roll conversation wise with the lads today and it was good to be tonking around nice and briskly because Fiona wasn't there to slow us up. But we missed her ! Miles drove really well and got us back home and I crashed with the lovely Fiona for half of the Leonard Cohen  Live in London cd and then got down to knocking up the meatballs , homemade tonight , tomato sauce , spaghetti and garlic bread to feed the hungry pack . Two episodes of Fawlty Towers coming up and then later Fiona and I are going to watch a documentary about the Stax recording and record producing outfit which will be great because we love that Southern Soul. Great day !

Saturday 14 July 2012

An interesting week. On Monday Fiona was down with her sinusitis and the lads were busy with their maths so I went out on my own to Cogden Gill in Swaledale to see if I could see a Ring Ouzel amongst other things. After walking up the track to the mining buildings I did see one  and also had some great memories of my lads playing up there a few years back. We used to go there quite often. Right at the top of the Gill where the mine is I spent 20 min looking at a Dipper prancing up and down on the side of the river and then doing the same in the river and coming out with various larvae which it was having for dinner. It was magical and my arms were stiff with holding my binoculars.

On Wednesday, because I had spotted a Ring Ouzel previously I went up there again with Fiona and Clifford. I got even better sightings of the them seeing a male and a female, I only saw a female one on the Monday and that was totally brilliant. It was pretty quiet for birds and I was expecting to see Grey Wagtails as I did on Monday but there were none around. What was good and interesting was seeing tadpoles, in July, in a small pond near the Lead Mining buildings. We went off to Reeth just down the road and had a good look around the Swaledale Museum which was brilliant because I knew the names of several of the rocks in the geology section. Some of what I read does stick after all. A very nice time out with my wife and youngest child. Miles was back at home slaving over his mathematics. Good doggy.

On Thursday we had a family outing to the Lake District and I sent the lads around the Langdale's, Harrison Pike, Pavey Ark, over to the ridge above Easedale Tarn and then down into Grasmere. An easy walk which they enjoyed. Fiona and I just walked along the Mickleden Valley underneath the Langdale's to look at the drumlins, glacial deposits, at the end of the valley but I did not give us enough time on our parking ticket to do that. Still it was a very nice walk. We then trucked off down to Grasmere and walked halfway to Easedale Tarn just to stretch our legs again and had a very nice cake and coffee treat in one of the cafes which has a huge Veranda perched over the River which feeds Grasmere Lake. Miles did all of the driving that day, over four hours of it, which was pretty good.

Today, after mulling over whether I should do my Baha'i stall because I wasn't sure whether it would rain or not I decided not to, and in the afternoon Fiona and Clifford and myself went up for a walk around the Durham Woods. Again there were very few birds to be seen, a quiet time for birds at the moment but what was good was seeing the Durham Miners Gala parade going by. I never forget that if it was not for miners over the past 300 years we would never have had the Industrial Revolution and the great wealth that we have now a legacy from the sacrifices that they made. I also think that somewhere in the world and this will be a permanent feature of our global future somebody is doing mining. God bless them and keep them safe.

Well, my wife is snoozing, my lads are playing their computer games and I am doing this blog and about to cook the meat balls, tomato sauce, garlic bread and fresh pasta and life is pretty okay. I have some dissatisfactions with trying to get a musician to work with and/or get a job but to be quite honest I do not have much to grumble about. The lads are doing well with their mathematics work and whilst Fiona is still suffering from her sinusitis it is getting better and she walked really quickly today on the Durham walk. Fiona the Hiker is coming back definitely. The next time we go up to the Lake District she's going to do a full Fell Walk up to the ridge above Easedale Tarn and back! Go Fiona and what I really love about my beloved wife is nothing keeps her down!
Written in response to a post suggesting that mankind will always fight over mineral and scarce resources.

"There will be a day when mankind has infinite resources and no scarcity but I believe people may still want to fight mostly over social and belief reasons. However, I think there is a good chance that we humans will decide to cooperate because the New World religion is money and money and political power go together so nobody at the moment is interested in a war that threatens that. It remains to be seen whether this will always be the case which is why we need some form of world government to keep the party political driven national government in line!"